The Association & Trustees

The Wydown Forest Neighborhood is comprised of an “Association” which facilitates social events and communication within, and around, the neighborhood; and the “Indentures & Trustees” dedicated to preserving the esthetics and value of the Neighborhood.


Neighbors are good people to know.. Wydown Forest Directory serves to keep both neighbor and Association connected and informed.


There’s talent on every block. Locate (or offer) skills, services and talent within our streets!


Nextdoor is a (Ad-Based) social platform dedicated to networking Neighbors together for the purpose of sharing information relevant to the neighborhood and community.

Wydown Forest…

A community that thrives together, stays together. We are dedicated to making Wydown Forest Neighborhood one of the best and brightest neighborhoods to reside in! We are an eclectic and vibrant neighborhood located within the City of Clayton, Mo . We have a rich history dating back to 1922. And we honor both tradition and progress. Come visit!

Join the adventure …

NEW to the neighborhood? Join for Updates, Events, Services and Information regarding the Wydown Forest Neighborhood!

The historical, stone pillared entrance to Wydown Forest.
The historical, stone pillared entrance to Wydown Forest.